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The secret to productive meetings

Posted on:January 24, 2023 at 04:00 AM

“Meetings are time wasters!” so goes the saying.

I once attended a meeting where we spent an hour discussing whether we should add a full stop and correct some bad punctuation on a form.

It took us an hour discussing this and … nobody could agree what to do. So in the end, the bad punctuation remained on the form.

I wish I was joking, but this really happened! I find it amusing now, but back then I was really exasperated.

But I learned that while many meetings are a waste of time (and most certainly could JUST be an email or chat message), if done right meetings can be incredibly efficient.

My former colleagues at Renoir Consulting are masters at meetings. At my company, meetings never last more than they should and we always come out of it with things to do to move things forward.

Here’s what I learned about running effective and efficient meetings:

Rinse and repeat.